MyoFascial Release

Introduction to Joel's journey

TX Athletic Therapy pattern

Texas Athletic Therapy

Weekly Newsletter for June 24, 2018


DIY Hand and Forearm Massage / MyoFascial Release

Too much texting? Don’t worry. Try this hand / forearm massage- myofascial release to help relax your muscles.

  • Relax one arm, palm up, on top of your thigh.
  • Push the heel of your other palm slowly along the forearm in the direction of your wrist.
  • Use enough pressure to feel some heat, but not to give yourself a brush burn.
  • Do the same thing across your open palm all the way down toward your fingertips, and again over the mound of your thumb.
  • Repeat a few times, and switch hands.

Scheduling: When you schedule your next massage, do not forget to mention your hands and forearms they will appreciate it, and so will you!


What’s Happening:  This week… I am! Actually I wanted to take minute or less to share a little about my journey. My path in massage began after a snowboarding collision left me with a broken back and two broken legs. My chiropractor and massage therapist did wonders to limit me to only one surgery. Unfortunately, I was forced to change careers and find a less demanding job (I was a delivery driver at the time). I went into real estate for about 6 or 7 years and was introduced to Dale Schenk who was a manual therapist who was said to be able to fix back pain in a single session. I was intrigued and skeptical. Sitting a lot after the surgery had created a life of pain and Dale and his techniques were magical to me and countless others.

When a business opportunity came to partner with him came, I jumped at the chance. His only requirement, that I get my licence and work for a year in the field first. During school, I lost focus on the business side of massage, and fell in love with the art of helping others. I never did get the chance to partner with Dale, life has a funny way of guiding us on our own paths. And so my journey began…


Fun Holidays this Week:

June 27: Sun Glasses Day – Get out and enjoy the sun today with your favorite pair of sunglasses.

June 29: Camera Day – Celebrate with a picture of something you love!

June 30: Meteor Watch Day – Scan the night skies in search of meteors tonight. We sure hope you see some.


Hydration Recipe

Keeping hydrated is an important part of staying healthy. Water promotes cardiovascular health, keeps your body cool, helps muscles and joints work better and keeps skin supple. Here is this week’s hydration recipe:

Pineapple Mango Rosemary Water

Mango Pineapple Rosemary Water


1 medium sized mango, thinly sliced

1 cup pineapple, chopped

Sprigs of Rosemary




Peel and slice one mango. Add 1 cup of medium chopped pineapple and water. Add Rosemary sprigs to taste (always easier to add more, start small, rosemary can be a strong flavor) Refrigerate 4-6 hours before drinking to allow flavors to infuse.

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