Texas Athletic Therapy Newsletter
Week of August 12, 2018
What’s Happening: School is starting soon. A mixed bag for most of us. Regardless of your take, stress and the aches and pains are bound to set in for everyone. Be the best you that you can be, so that you can be your best you for the ones who count on you!
Fun Holidays this Week:
August 12: Middle Child’s Day – If you are a middle child, today is your day. Celebrate.
August 13: Left Hander’s Day – Only about 10% of the population is left handed. If you are a leftie, be proud and give a shout out to any other lefties you know.
August 18: National Honey Bee Awareness Day – Here are some fun facts about honey bees for you today. http://gardenersnet.com/fun/honey-bee-trivia.htm
Hydration Recipe
Keeping hydrated is an important part of staying healthy. Water promotes cardiovascular health, keeps your body cool, helps muscles and joints work better and keeps skin supple. Here is this week’s hydration recipe:
Vanilla Orange Water
1 large orange, sliced
1 vanilla bean, sliced open (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract)
Add orange slices and vanilla to a pitcher of water and chill until cold.
Outdoor Fun
We are now in the middle of August and summer is rapidly slipping away. Soon school will start and the leaves will begin to turn. Here are a few suggestions on fun ways to enjoy the great outdoors.
Go for a hike/walk/bike ride – Get outside and stretch your legs. You can invite friends, make it a family event or go solo. Whatever you decide, snap some pictures to remember the fun during the long, cold winter months.
Pack a picnic – There is something about throwing out a blanket and munching on yummy snacks that says summer fun. You don’t have to go far. In fact, it can be fun to picnic in your own backyard. Once you’ve eaten your goodies, play a game, read a book or just watch nature all around you.
Outdoor concert – Find an outdoor concert online and plan to attend. Music under the stars can never be bad.